

tattoo clinic


Restoring natural pigmentation

renewed and regained confidence
Have you been hiding parts of your body behind clothes and makeup? With camouflage tattoos, we can create a layer of permanent concealer inside the epidermis layer of your skin and help you rediscover your confidence.
Using safe, innovative procedures, we restore natural pigmentation to parts of your skin that cause concern.

feel comfortable in your own skin


Skin issues can be isolating, but you will not have to live with discolouration forever. We create a personalized treatment plan that is highly effective for each case. In the hands of our staff, each with years of experience, you will see improvements after each session. Explore more here:
explore our treatments
discover & unpack

Our approach


Consultation and Assessment
We evaluate each patient to come up with a personalized treatment plan. This varies depending on your skin texture, colour, and medical history. A comprehensive quote will be provided to you, and this includes ALL sessions until the final results, as well as all aftercare and support between sessions. 


Using the latest research in chemistry, we formulate the perfect pigment to imitate your natural skin tone. Application is done in our Vancouver clinic under the highest standards for biosecurity.


⁠Blending and Finishing
⁠In paramedical tattooing, the pigment is gently applied to the skin over several sessions. These sessions should be 2-3 months apart. Each time you return to the clinic, we increase the amount of saturation with the goal of reaching 100% coverage.


Aftercare and Follow Up
At West Coast Paramedical, we care for our patients for the long haul — providing you with all the knowledge for successful aftercare and healing. In the unlikely scenario that you require a touchup within 4 years, this will be provided free of charge.
See our FAQ’s

client results


meet our space

west coast paramedical
1407A-750 West Broadway Vancouver BC, Canada V5Z 1K1
Opening Hours
*by appointment only
9:30AM - 5:00PM
9:30AM - 5:00PM
9:30AM - 5:00PM
9:30AM - 5:00PM
9:30AM - 5:00PM
9:30AM - 5:00PM
9:30AM - 5:00PM


Ayesha T
I’m incredibly grateful to Christie, Joyce, and the team at West Coast Paramedical for their transformative work. Dealing with stretch marks had been a real confidence challenge for me, but their expertise and compassion gave me hope and real change...
Takova Y
I came to you to lighten surgical scars that were raised. Yes, you did lighten the scar, but also it made it a bit softer and flatter. I was surprised. I didn’t come here for the texture. Mostly it’s the colour that improved a lot. There was some pain but yes I would do it again so thanks a bunch :)
Lauren L
On a day 5 years ago, I was running around in the kitchen with a sizzling-hot pan when suddenly it slid off my mittens and towards me. Before I knew it, I was screaming with pain as the pan burnt my inner arms. Immediately I knew that this was going to be a problem, because I have warm-medium skin that hyperpigments easily. This burn mark had no texture, but it really bothered me because it looked like a hickie… I tried EVERYTHING: creams, lasers, tapes. It wasnt until more than years later that I saw West Coast Paramedical on social media, and flew to Vancouver for treatment, that these burn marks finally disappeared from sight. I don’t feel embarrassed wearing short sleeves in the summer anymore. I would recommend this to anyone who is bothered by their skin discolouration. 
J***** *******
West Coast Paramedical has the most talented members. The way they were able to match my skin tone perfectly, when I have trouble finding even the right shade of foundation, is incredible. Also, Christie has the most delicate hands and she is so sweet to talk to. She makes you feel so comfortable throughout the whole procedure, and her attention to detail is unbelievable. If you have really horrible stretch marks like I do, don’t give up! Thanks to West Coast Paramedical for the outstanding service.
Alexandre L
The staff at West Coast Paramedical, especially Christie, is one of the most skilled professional around in this industry. Everything from mixing the pigments to sterilizing every surface, made me feel at ease. She truly cares about each patient, and you will feel CARED for emotionally and physically here.
What is paramedical tattooing?

Paramedical tattooing is a technique of camouflage for patients who have natural skin imperfections, suffered traumatic skin injuries, and/or have undertaken elective and essential surgeries. Our goal is to match the treatment site to the colour of the surrounding skin, restoring the skin back to its original pigmentation. Paramedical tattooing uses inks that pierce the skin, but it is not exactly the same as artistic or brow tattooing (PMU). For example, we work carefully with delicate skin areas over more sessions, and must configure the machines more precisely. Since we are trying to match the colour of the skin exactly, even a small error can be catastrophic. Please make sure that your technician has experience with paramedical tattooing, as well as a sufficiently deep understanding of the chemistry of pigments. This ensures that the results will stay constant over years.

My scar/stretch mark/spot is less than a year old. Can I cover them?

No. Your skin could still be healing naturally, and the appearance could change. The area to be treated must be stable at the time of treatment. The same goes with sunspots and other forms of discolouration. Many of our patients are prone to hyperpigmentation, and some have permanent dark marks from an iron burn. In these cases, we do not treat the patient until 1 year later. 

My mental health is suffering due to these scars/stretch marks. What is going on?

It’s not just you. Scarring and other skin traumas have been proven by science to be detrimental to patients’ mental wellbeing. They can affect everything from body image and confidence, to intimate relationships and general anxiety and depression. West Coast Paramedical is a mental health-conscious clinic. We believe that the ultimate goal of treating the skin is for better mental well-being, and our patients report drastically improved body image and quality of life. You can rest assured that we are here to support every step of your journey towards healing.

How can I be sure that this treatment will be effective?

Permanent changes to your body can be intimidating. At WCP we promise to treat your skin as if it were our own. Staff at WCP have all been recipients of our procedure; when we try a new technique, we always test it on our own skin first. In addition, you may also receive a test patch during the in-person consultation at the Vancouver Clinic ($350). If you see no improvements after the test patch, you may request a 100% refund of the consultation fee.

What is the down time or healing process?

The treated area will heal in 2-3 months. How many sessions will it take to see the final result? In the majority of cases, patients need between 2-4 sessions. Please message our WhatsApp at +1 778 682 2681 or Instagram at @wcparamedical with a photo of your desired treatment area and we will let you know an estimate of the number of sessions you need.

Will I be able to tan after the camouflage?

Yes, you will be able to tan after camouflage. Simply put sunscreen over the treated area whenever you plan to be under the sun. If not, the pigments can fade more quickly. Although the treated area will not tan like regular skin, patients report that lightly tanned areas remain natural-looking and a significant improvement from the pre-treatment appearance.

Can tattoo pigments cover a scar?


Is it harder to cover dark or hyper-pigmented scars?

The difference between hypo (light) and hyper pigmented (dark) scars is that darker scars have more variation. Therefore, the technician needs to be more experienced to formulate the right colour and treat each dark scar. On the other hand, light scars start off as a blank canvas, and therefore more predictable.

With the right technique, both types of scars can be effectively covered. The only exception is if your scar is a keloid, which may grow if irritated.

Does this improve the texture of the scar?

The primary objective of paramedical tattooing is not meant to improve the texture. However, many patients report improved texture as a benefit of the treatments. This is because microdermabrasions caused by the cartridge has a rejuvenating effect on the top layer of the skin (similar to micro needling). If your primary concern is scar texture, there are other treatments that you may want to consider before coming to us, such as cosmetic and steroid injections. 

It paramedical tattooing painful?

Patients can expect some pain during treatment. The specific level of pain depends on the area of treatment, as well as the sensitivity of the patient, but is generally less than being artistically tattooed. 

Another factor is the quality of the cartridge. High quality cartridges like the ones we use at West Coast Paramedical contain precise needles that result in less pain during procedure. 

Unfortunately we are not able to use numbing cream, due to the way lidocaine chemically reacts with ink. If you are concerned about pain, book an in-person consultation. We can perform a test on a small patch of skin to test your pain response. 

Will touchups be needed in the future? Won’t tattoos change colour?

Paramedical tattooing is a permanent procedure. However, over the years, pigments can start slowly fading to a point where the patient feels that the results are no longer a perfect match to the skin. In the case that you will require a touchup, it will take only one session to restore the colour match.

Some of our patients come back after 4-5 years for their first touch-up, while others feel happy with their results for much longer. Ultimately, it is difficult to predict exactly when you will need a touchup. This depends on how the individual body and immune system reacts to pigments, as well as the aftercare following your procedure.

One thing that will surely result in unstable colour is the wrong mixture of ink. The way pigments behave and interact with other pigments is government by not just colour theory, but also chemistry. Whether it’s brow or artistic tattoos, there is no shortage undesirable results due to a lack of understanding of the chemistry behind pigments. At WCP we use cutting-edge technology, and always keep up with the latest industry research on the chemistry of pigments. With this knowledge, we are able to chemically balance the ink for the most long-lasting results.

Finally, you are always welcome to book a consultation at our Vancouver clinic to see a gallery of before and afters, and to observe results in person. If you have any further questions, text us at +1 778 682 2681 or message our instagram @wcparamedical.

What if I’m coming from another city or another country?

At WCP we have treated many other forms of skin pigmentation issues. These include birthmarks on the face and body, burn marks from cooking, hypo and hyper-pigmented sun spots, Sadly there are some conditions that are not safe to treat, such as moles, due to their potential to develop into cancer. Keloids also cannot be treated due to their potential to grow.

We will determine on a case-by-case basis if your skin is safe to be treated. Use our contact form to get more details.

How much does the procedure cost?

Our prices start at $900 for the smallest area of treatment. For a personalized quote, use our contact form, or text/whatsapp us at +1 778 682 2681. We get back to you within 24 hours.

I have a lot of stretch marks. How long will the procedure take?

Our stretch mark sessions usually take half a day. In cases where stretch marks cover a very large surface area, it could take an entire day, so please plan accordingly.

Does this improve the texture?

The primary objective of paramedical tattooing is not meant to improve the texture. However, many patients report improved texture as a benefit of the treatments. This is because microdermabrasions caused by the cartridge has a rejuvenating effect on the top layer of the skin (similar to micro needling). If your primary concern is texture of the stretch marks, we also offer ink-less treatments. Contact us to see if you are a good candidate.

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