Supporting You In More Ways Than One.

West Coast Paramedical was founded out of the mission to help women amidst a medical field that often throws its hands up in the face of permanent skin traumas. 

healing is not only physical but also psychological.
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Whether it’s after a pregnancy, weight gain, or a traumatic injury, it can be hard to accept the permanent changes to the look of our skin.

We understand how emotionally challenging this can be: our priority is to create a welcoming clinical environment where patients can feel comfortable discussing their concerns.

Qualified Camouflage Tattoo Technicians

We pride ourselves on being a leading provider of paramedical tattoo services. Our highly-skilled technicians have worked directly beside the developers of the paramedical tattooing technique. We maintain a close partnership with our tattoo ink manufacturer to ensure we are the experts in pigmentation for all natural skin colours and scar shades.
Our dedicated team of skin experts is passionate about improving your physical skin condition while providing support for your mental health and healing journey.


Meet our team of Vancouverites who are dedicated to providing you with a world-class experience of healing.
christie huang
founder / 

head technician

Having graduated from the University of Oxford, Christie loves learning to an obsessive degree -- perhaps more than is healthy! This came in useful when considering the the piles of peer-reviewed literature around color chemistry and skin health, which are so essential to paramedical tattooing. She makes the utmost effort to stay on the leading edge of the paramedical tattooing industry, including going above and beyond industry standards, as well as continuously travelling to learn more about the practice through conferences, factories, and other clinics.

joyce lau
Marketing manager /
assisting technician

Before coming to West Coast Paramedical, Joyce was a UBC graduate and graphic designer. Paramedical tattooing is an art as much as it is a science, and Joyce’s artistic vision helps our clinic stay in touch with the delicate and personal nature of our work. Today, she not only helps the clinic with marketing outreach and educational illustrations, but is also an apprentice in paramedical tattooing herself. She is extremely attentive and helpful with every patient that comes to the clinic, and patients can be sure that they will feel comfortable with her around.

An Inside Scope to Our Journey

The Beginnings Of Our Clinic

Our clinic staff (Canadian) began learning about paramedical tattooing through peer-reviewed literature on dermatology, colour chemistry, and tattooed skin. We started a practice in Florida working under a Brazilian tattoo artist for about a year. We saw so many satisfied patients during this time, that we dreamed of bringing this practice home.

The Future of the Industry

We continue to have a working relationship with the clinic in the US, in addition to factories in China in order to develop colorimeters that will allow even aestheticians with little experience to achieve a perfect colour match in patients.

West Coast Paramedical Cosmetics Incorporated

WCP fulfilled its hopes of bringing paramedical tattooing to Canada. The clinic at the Fairmont Medical Building was created with the vision of creating a safe space for both physical and mental healing of patients who have endured skin traumas and pigmentation issues.

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