Can I still tan my scar after getting a paramedical tattoo?

technical knowledge
"Paramedical tattooing does not restore the scar’s ability to tan."

This is our most commonly asked question of all time, from emails, DMs, and in-person consultations. Will the patient still be able to tan after aesthetic camouflage, or paramedical tattooing? 

In case you are pressed for time, our answer in two sentences is as follows: “Paramedical tattooing does not restore the scar’s ability to tan. Just as before treatment, it is best to avoid tanning without sun protection”. But if you are still confused, please read on. 

Dark Scars

Whether you have stretch marks, scars, birthmarks, hyperpigmentation, or other marks, know that they do not tan like the rest of your skin. Scars, for example, do not tan well at all. Scar tissue is sensitive and far more susceptible to UVA/UVB damage. If a scar is dark, that most likely means the skin in the area is prone to overproduce melanin when injured. If this type of scar is exposed to the sun without protection, it will stimulate further melanin production, and the result is an even darker scar. Therefore, dermatologists advise patients to put sunscreen or protective coverings over their hyperpigmented (darker) scars at all times, so as to prevent it from becoming more pigmented.

Light/White Scars

White scars, on the other hand, are the result of a lack of pigmentation in the dermis, called hypopigmentation. These scars are excluded from the skin’s regular melanin production process, and become lighter than the surrounding skin. When the surrounding skin is exposed to sunlight and becomes tanned, the white scar remains the same colour, making it even more obvious than before. 

The Verdict

Therefore, whether you have lighter or dark scars, it is a misconception that tanning will make them blend in more with the surrounding skin. In both cases, the result is damage to the scar tissue, and further discoloration that makes these scars more obvious to the eye. Hence we respond to potential patients, that they would not be able to tan even without cosmetic camouflage.

Research and Hope

If you know anything about West Coast Paramedical’s approach to setting expectations, you will know that there is no magic wand that can rid us of scars. In recent years, however, advances in colour chemistry has made paramedical tattooing, or cosmetic camouflage, an increasingly appealing option. The founders of our clinic have invested countless hours investigating pigments and interviewing ink factories, to improve our ability to colour correct scars. In addition to seeing great results at the time, much time and energy has been devoted to ensuring that these results look skin-like, even in 10 year’s time. If you are a patient or clinic and have questions about our methodology, contact us here. 

What’s Possible Today

At our clinic, a solution will be personalized just for your scar. If you have two different scars, we will likely formulate a different set of pigments for each scar, to ensure colour matching accuracy. During application, staff use blending and shading techniques to make sure that borders of the scar are harmonious blended. After treatment, your scars look congruent with the surrounding skin, and you will be able to enjoy tanning with sunscreen. Patients who cannot live without tanning and enjoy having a ‘tanned’ appearance year round, request that we use a slightly darker formula than their original skin tone, and this is possible. However, we do suggest applying sunscreen and avoiding excessive tanning for the best results.

To summarize, once scars are formed, they do not tan. Paramedical Tattooing does not restore the scar’s ability to tan, but it can make the scars blend in with the surrounding skin, even if you enjoy tanning. If you enjoy a lifestyle with lots of tanning, and relish every chance to flaunt your skin, reach out to us today to see how we might personalize a solution for your scars.

Source: Psychology of Scars - An Academic Review
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