Tanning after paramedical tattoo for stretch marks — all you need to know

technical knowledge
"Stretch marks, once formed, are not able to tan like regular skin."

Stretch marks, once formed, are not able to tan like regular skin. Cosmetic camouflage procedures cannot change this fact -- but the treatment has nothing to do with the stretch marks’ inability to tan. 

As noted by the American Academy of dermatology, ‘“A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin, which support our skin, to rupture.” Here, we have already written about the same topic on scars. As stretch marks are, technically speaking, scars, you may read our other article for more information.

Stretch marks do not tan

When you tan, your skin darkens due to melanin production. However, stretch marks lack the pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) that tan. As a result, while your normal skin may achieve a bronzed look, your stretch marks remain lighter, making them more noticeable. Indeed, attempts to minimize their appearance by tanning often backfire. Rather than blending them to the surrounding skin, tanning will make stretch marks even more obvious. 

Self Tanner? Body Makeup?

Self-tanner, however, will disguise the stretch marks, and so will body makeup. Although these solutions may be temporary, they can provide great relief to patients who are self-conscious about their stretch marks. Similarly, with paramedical tattooing, we are trying to imitate the effects of self-tanner or makeup, but the results are permanent. This is ideal for moments when you feel like taking a dip in the ocean, going for extended periods of time without ‘reapplying’ the needed makeup, or worrying about applying the right shade.

An obsession over pigments. 

This is a delicate process requiring a great deal of experience and attention to detail. At our clinic, every care is taken to ensure colour matching accuracy between your stretch marks and the surrounding skin. During application, staff use blending and shading techniques to make sure that borders of the stretch marks are harmonious blended. After treatment, stretch marks should look congruent with the surrounding skin, except for texture, and you will be able to enjoy tanning with sunscreen. Patients who cannot live without tanning and enjoy having a ‘tanned’ appearance year round, request that we use a slightly darker formula than their original skin tone, and this is possible. However, we do suggest applying sunscreen and avoiding excessive tanning for the best results. 


Unlike tanning, which can make stretch marks more noticeable, paramedical tattooing or cosmetic camouflage blends them with your natural skin tone for a seamless and lasting result. Reach out to a member of our staff to learn if you are a good candidate, and we will get back to you in less than 24 hours.

Source: Psychology of Scars - An Academic Review
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